As practicing disability lawyers in Oak Ridge, we know it’s difficult to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). To assist you, here are five mistakes commonly made by applicants.
1: Filing a Disability Claim While Still Working
You’re requesting benefits on the grounds that you cannot work, and if you’re gainfully employed when you apply, you’re contradicting your claim that you’re unable to work.
2: Applying for Disability Benefits Too Soon
To qualify for benefits, your disability must last 12 months or longer. If you apply too soon, the Social Security examiner may determine that your condition will improve before you qualify for benefits.
3: Assuming the Consultative Exam is Sufficient Proof of Disability
The consultative exam performed by a physician chosen by the Social Security Administration is not sufficient proof of disability. The findings of the consultative medical exam should be supported by additional evidence of medical disability that you’ve provided.
4: Failing to Follow Prescribed Treatments
The Social Security examiner will ask what prior treatment has been prescribed and how well you’ve followed these recommendations. Failure to get and follow prescribed treatment could lead to a denial of benefits.
5: Failing to Get Legal Assistance
Many applicants forgo legal assistance, believing they cannot afford it, but that’s a mistake. Our disability lawyers in Oak Ridge will help improve your chances of success, ensuring your application is accurate and complete.
Call Kenneth Miller & Associates today for your consultation.