Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is an anxiety disorder that triggered by exposure to a traumatic event or experience. Often times many people believe this illness only affects combat veterans, however, it impacts many victims such as victims of violent crimes or sexual abuse. Nearly everyone will experience a wide range of reactions after trauma has occurred. Those who continue to experience symptoms that last more than a month are diagnosed with PTSD. For more information about being diagnosed with PTSD see The National Institute of Mental Health.
PTSD And Your Ability To Work
No matter the traumatic event, when PTSD causes clinically significant stress or impairment to an individual’s social interactions and ability to work, Social Security disability benefits are relevant. In order to receive Social Security disability benefits, the side symptoms of PTSD such as intrusive thoughts and reactions must prevent an individual from working or a consistent basis.
Satisfying Social Security Listing With PTSD
PTSD disability claims can be approved by in two separate ways. The first route is for individuals whose medical records satisfy the requirements of Social Security listing on anxiety-related disorders. In order to meet the requirement for the Social Security’s listing for anxiety, you must have flashbacks, nightmares, or memories that cause extreme anxiety or emotional disturbances. Second, is to get “medical-vocational allowance”. To have a claim for medical-vocational allowance, claimants can not have been awarded benefits on the basis of an anxiety listing. However, the symptoms of your condition must be severe enough to prevent you from work such as fatigue, poor sleeping, trouble concentrating and memory problems. It also important to remember that if you have PTSD and Social Security disability benefits may help you, you can also be eligible for VA benefits too.
If you are suffering from PTSD we can help you fight for the benefits you deserve. Call us today at (865) 637-0515 to learn how we can help you
Source: Disability Secrets