If you’ve just received your first disability payment, you may be wondering about the status of your back pay. This is a common concern and one that isn’t always made clear during the application process. Our disability lawyers near Oak Ridge want to help shed some light on the complexities of back pay.
What Is SSD Back Pay?
Back pay amounts to the disability benefits you qualified for but were not paid during the time it took for the SSA to approve your application. In many cases, back pay results from the time it took to file an appeal after receiving a letter of denial. As you know, the appeals process is time-consuming and stressful. You may have to wait months, sometimes years, for your claim to be approved. While our disability lawyers near Oak Ridge fight for your benefits, the pay you qualify for accumulates.
How Long Until I Receive My Back Pay?
Even once you have been approved for benefits, this one-time deposit typically doesn’t occur immediately. There is a fair amount of inconsistency with the time it takes to receive back pay. Usually, a claimant will receive their back pay within sixty days of being approved. However, it could take three to four months after your first regular benefits check to see the back-pay lump sum.
Disability Lawyers Oak Ridge
Our disability lawyers near Oak Ridge know the toll this process can take on our clients. If you’ve been waiting too long for your back pay, don’t get lost in the system. Contact the Law Offices of Kenneth Miller & Associates today.